
Petrol in a Diesel Car: Warning Signs for Misfuelling

Misfuelling your car can be an expensive mistake, and it is something that many drivers worry about when filling up at the gas station. Misfuelling is the act of putting the wrong type of fuel in your car – for example, putting diesel in a petrol engine. This can cause problems for the engine and cost you a lot of money. In this article, we will explore the cost of misfuelling your car and how to avoid it.

What Happens? 

When it comes to misfuelling your car, the cost can vary depending on the severity of the mistake. If you catch the mistake quickly enough, then the cost may be relatively low. You may just need to have the fuel line flushed and the incorrect fuel removed from the tank. However, if the wrong fuel has already been used in the engine, then the cost can be much higher. In this case, the engine may need to be rebuilt or replaced, which can cost thousands of dollars.

In addition to the cost of repairing the damage done to the engine, there are other costs associated with misfuelling your car. The fuel itself can be expensive, as you may need to purchase a new tank of the right fuel to replace the incorrect fuel. There may also be additional labour costs involved in the repair process.

Finally, it is important to consider the cost of the time and hassle that comes with misfuelling your car. Even if you can get the car repaired quickly, there may still be delays and inconveniences that can be costly in terms of lost time and productivity.

Overall, misfuelling your car can be a costly mistake. It is important to take steps to avoid misfuelling your car.

Car Symptoms to Look Out for

If you think you may have misfuelled your car, there are certain symptoms you should look out for. These include:

1 – Unusual Noises

If you hear a clunking or knocking noise, this could be a sign that your car is misfuelled. This noise is usually caused by the wrong fuel entering the engine, which can cause damage to the pistons and other components.

2 – Poor Performance

If your car is misfuelled, you may notice a decrease in performance. This could be in the form of a decrease in power, acceleration, and fuel economy.

3 – Engine Warning Lights

If you see any warning lights on your dashboard, this could be a sign that your car got loaded with the wrong fuel.

4 – Check Engine Light

If you see a check engine light on your dashboard, this could be a sign of misfuelling. It is important to get your car checked out as soon as possible to avoid any further damage.

5 – Fuel Smell

If you smell fuel, this could be a sign that you have misfuelled. This is due to the wrong fuel entering the engine, which can cause damage to the pistons and other components.

Preventing Misfuelling

The best way to prevent misfuelling your car is to double-check the fuel type before filling up. Make sure to write down the fuel type in your car’s manual or on a sticker in the fuel tank, so you don’t forget. Additionally, you can use a fuel-type indicator to make sure you are putting the right fuel in your car.

It is also important to be aware of the different types of fuel available. Make sure you know the difference between petrol and diesel, as well as any other fuel types available in your area.

Finally, if you think you have misfuelled your car, it is important to get it checked out as soon as you can.


Misfuelling your car is a very costly mistake and can lead to very expensive repair bills. It is important to always double-check that you are using the right fuel for your vehicle, as the damage caused by misfuelling can be severe and long-lasting. If you do make the mistake of misfuelling your car, it is important to contact a professional mechanic as soon as possible to minimise the damage and costs involved. Prevention is key when it comes to misfuelling and it is always best to be safe than sorry.

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